Hi Friends,
Its a well known issue and I am writing below steps towards troubleshooting.
You can come across any of the below issues :
Above steps should resolve your issues. If you are still facing it, please post it here.
- Documents in this folder are not available. The folder may have been moved or deleted, or network problems may be preventing a connection to the server
- Internet Explorer could not open ServerName web folder. Would you like to see its default view instead?
- Your client does not support opening this list with windows explorer.
- Access Denied
Now lets start investigating it:
- We should first check if browser type is what? It works with 32 but IE 6,7,8,9,10. Note that it will not work with 64 bit IE.
- Check if webclient service is on in services.msc. Its better if we restart this service.
- We should add affected site in IE trusted sites.
- Check if root site collection is created. If not, create one.
- SharePoint WebDAV have clash with Windows WebDAV service, so stop windows with below steps:
- On the left side of the panel click on Roles
- Scroll down to the “Role Services” section, and click on “Remove Role Services”
- Under “web server” uncheck the box next to “WebDav Publishing”
- Choose Next, then choose Remove
- A reboot will be required